What Youth Led and Serving Organizations Need to Know to Benefit from the Localization Movement
Mr. James Byarugaba is passionate about seeing children and young people live their lives to the full. He has over 15 years’ experience working with development organizations leading the design, implementation, coordination, evaluation and action research for youth programs. He is also a Man up delegate a global coalition of young people across the world to end sexual and gender-based violence and is so passionate about promoting gender equality as well as preventing sexual and gender-based violence. His vision is to see one world where boys and girls; men and women have the same opportunities and are empowered to contribute equally in shaping the world they want and a violence-free world where no human being owns the other or insights harm based on one’s gender. He holds a Masters in Human Rights from Makerere University Uganda, a Masters in International Development from the National University of Ireland-Maynooth and currently pursuing a PhD in Human and Social services from Walden University US.