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Egypt: Pioneering a Market Responsive Approach to Job Skills for Youth

Gregory Niblett leads U.S. based Management Training Corporation’s (MTC) initiatives in international development assistance from the company’s Washington, DC office. He guides the knowledge transfer and application of MTC's extensive U.S. expertise in workforce development and skills training to international settings, including the application of that expertise in overseeing MTC’s implementation of USAID’s Workforce Egypt project. Key to company’s international work is the application of lessons learned and best practices building on MTC’s  experience implementing Job Corps Centers for the U.S .Department of Labor. Having had a private sector background in marketing and communications, most notably with the Gillette Company, Cone Communications and Niblett/Devine, in Boston, Massachusetts, Mr. Niblett entered the field of international development as Assistant Deputy Administrator for the US Agency for International Development (USAID). Since then he has held numerous leadership positions with U.S. contractors and NGOs implementing development assistance projects in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America across the sectors of economic growth, health, environment, and education before  joining MTC in 2014. 


Management & Training Corporation

Vice President, Economic and Social Development
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