Beyond Capital: Using Gender-Inclusive Job Skills Training and Worker Cooperatives to Support Entrepreneurship
Marissa Cardwell is the Technical Advisor for Positive Youth Development and Human Trafficking Prevention Programs at Global Communities. In her role, Marissa focuses on supporting Global Community’s global PYD programs and manages a local prevention education program, Project ROOTS, which addresses the root causes of teen-dating violence and child exploitation in San Diego. Marissa leads San Diego’s Youth Advocacy Coalition, where local organizations supporting youth collaborate to protect, empower, engage, and activate youth leadership and advocacy in their communities. She also serves as the coordinator for the Coalition for Adolescent girls, where over 75 global members share the vision of supporting, investing in, and improving the lives of adolescent girls and. Marissa earned a master’s degree in public health, with an emphasis on Global Health from Cal State San Marcos in San Diego, CA and an Undergraduate Degree in Sociology from the University of California, Riverside.