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Embedding PYD in MERL for Youth Economic Opportunities Programs: Applications of YP2LE’s PYD MERL Practitioner Toolkit / Strengthening Youth Workforce Development Systems: Lessons Learned from the Philippines, Tunisia, and South Africa

Melissa Donaher (she/her) is a MEL Specialist in the USAID Center for Education where she leads monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning for the Center’s youth workforce development portfolio. Prior to USAID,  she supported MERL for Save the Children’s Skills to Succeed program and conducted research on soft skills measurement as a research assistant at the Harvard Graduate School of Education’sr Ecological Approaches to Social Emotional Learning (EASEL) Lab. She also worked as a middle school English teacher in China. She has a Bachelor's degree in History and Applied Psychology/Human Development from Boston College and a Master's degree in International Education Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. 



MEL Specialist, Center for Education
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